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2016年01月27日 17:07:34 访问量:3633

九年级期末英语质量检测试题答案    2016.1.


I、(15分)1-5 BCAAB      6-10 BACCB     11-15 BCBCB

II、(10分)16-20 BACAC

笔试部分 (95分)

III、单项选择 (10分)21-25 CBCCA      26-30 BADBA

IV、完型填空(10分)31-35 DCABC  36-40 CDDBA


41-45 AABAB  46-50 ADCDB   51-55 CDBBA

VI.完成句子(10分)56Keep away      57.something strange

58. number is   59.pointed out     60.talking back

VII.短文填空(10分)61.without  62.experiences  63.feelings  64.active 65.beautiful   66.ideas   67.enioy  68.prefer    69.full   70.tired

VIII.任务型阅读(10分)71.Windy and cold.

72. To meet the manager and ask him to pay for the clothes.

73.No,he didn’t.       74. At 8:30.

75. Because he saved the manager’s son.


(A)    76. They always make me sleepy.

77. I agree with you.

78. I like dancing to and singing along with loud music.

79. Why do you like it so much?

80. Why not go to the CD shop?

(B)    81.How long will you stay there/How long will you be there?

82.Why are you nervous/Why do you feel nervous?

83.Don’t worry/Take it easy/Don’t be nervous.

84. I see/know/understand.

85.It’s my pleasure/That’s all right/You’re welcome.

X. 书面表达(15分)

Dear Mr. Black,

I am sorry to trouble you. I need your help. After I got home, I found my English book wasn’t in my backpack and I took a wrong book. I think it must be Alice’s, because her name is on it.

I think my English book might be on your desk. If it is there, please help me keep it. If it isn’t on the desk, please tell me Alice’s telephone number. She might take my book by mistake. So I want to give her a call.

I’m looking forward to your e-mail.

Thank you very much.




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